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We offer a comprehensive approach with both conservative and surgical treatment options.

We offer a comprehensive approach with both conservative and surgical treatment options.

We offer a comprehensive approach with both conservative and surgical treatment options.

We offer a comprehensive approach with both conservative and surgical treatment options.

We offer a comprehensive approach with both conservative and surgical treatment options.

Heel Pain
Ingrown Toenails
Sports Injuries
Reconstructive Surgery
Diabetic Foot Care

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Your trusted family podiatrist

Podiatrist Dr. Philip Hahn with office in Texarkana, TX is dedicated to getting to the root of your foot or ankle problem.

Dr. Hahn specializes in all aspects of foot and ankle care from toenails to total joint replacement.

Having chronic foot and ankle pain can greatly affect the quality of your life, and we understand that. We also know how hectic things can be and we are committed to making our practice and care convenient and accessible.

Call today and get back on your feet! Texarkana (903) 791-1222.

Meet our Doctor

Texarkana Office

5606 Summerhill Rd.
Texarkana, TX 75503
(903) 791-1222

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