Items filtered by date: August 2024

Wednesday, 28 August 2024 00:00

Why Live with Pain and Numbness in Your Feet?

Suffering from this type of pain? You may have the foot condition known as Morton's neuroma. Morton's neuroma may develop as a result of ill-fitting footwear and existing foot deformities. We can help.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024 00:00

Symptoms and Treatment of Hammertoe

Hammertoe is a deformity where one of the smaller toes becomes bent at the middle joint, causing the toe to arch upward instead of lying flat. This misalignment often affects the second, third, or fourth toe and can lead to discomfort, especially when wearing shoes with a narrow or low toe box. Common symptoms of hammertoe can include corns, open sores, and pain in the ball of the foot. Various factors can contribute to a hammertoe, including having an unusually long toe, muscle weakness, or rheumatoid arthritis. Injuries, pressure from bunions, and wearing improperly fitting shoes can also result in hammertoe formation. A podiatrist can diagnose hammertoe through a physical examination of the foot and recommend treatment options such as wearing wider shoes, using toe pads, or performing specific foot exercises. In more severe cases, surgery may be required to correct the deformity. If you have a painful hammertoe, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for an exam and treatment.


Hammertoes can be a painful condition to live with. For more information, contact Philip Hahn, DPM from Advanced Foot & Ankle Center. Our doctor will answer any of your foot- and ankle-related questions.

Hammertoe is a foot deformity that affects the joints of the second, third, fourth, or fifth toes of your feet. It is a painful foot condition in which these toes curl and arch up, which can often lead to pain when wearing footwear.


  • Pain in the affected toes
  • Development of corns or calluses due to friction
  • Inflammation
  • Redness
  • Contracture of the toes


Genetics – People who are genetically predisposed to hammertoe are often more susceptible

Arthritis – Because arthritis affects the joints in your toes, further deformities stemming from arthritis can occur

Trauma – Direct trauma to the toes could potentially lead to hammertoe

Ill-fitting shoes – Undue pressure on the front of the toes from ill-fitting shoes can potentially lead to the development of hammertoe


Orthotics – Custom made inserts can be used to help relieve pressure placed on the toes and therefore relieve some of the pain associated with it

Medications – Oral medications such as anti-inflammatories or NSAIDs could be used to treat the pain and inflammation hammertoes causes. Injections of corticosteroids are also sometimes used

Surgery – In more severe cases where the hammertoes have become more rigid, foot surgery is a potential option

If you have any questions please contact our office located in Texarkana, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about What Are Hammertoes?

Distinguishing between a sprained and a broken ankle is important for appropriate treatment. A sprain involves the stretching or tearing of ligaments around the ankle joint, usually caused by an abrupt twist or turn. Symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty moving the ankle, but the joint typically remains intact. Treatment often involves rest and elevation along with over-the-counter pain relief. In contrast, a broken ankle, or an ankle fracture, involves a crack or break in one or more of the bones in the ankle. Symptoms are similar to a sprain but often more severe, with intense pain, significant swelling, bruising, and deformity or inability to bear weight. X-rays are necessary to confirm a fracture. Treatment may involve immobilization with a cast or splint, and in some cases, surgery. If you have ankle pain, it is suggested you contact a podiatrist for an evaluation to ensure proper healing and recovery.

Ankle pain can be caused by a number of problems and may be potentially serious. If you have ankle pain, consult with Philip Hahn, DPM from Advanced Foot & Ankle Center. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

Ankle pain is any condition that causes pain in the ankle. Due to the fact that the ankle consists of tendons, muscles, bones, and ligaments, ankle pain can come from a number of different conditions.


The most common causes of ankle pain include:

  • Types of arthritis (rheumatoid, osteoarthritis, and gout)
  • Ankle sprains
  • Broken ankles
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Achilles tendon rupture
  • Stress fractures
  • Bursitis
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis


Symptoms of ankle injury vary based upon the condition. Pain may include general pain and discomfort, swelling, aching, redness, bruising, burning or stabbing sensations, and/or loss of sensation.


Due to the wide variety of potential causes of ankle pain, podiatrists will utilize a number of different methods to properly diagnose ankle pain. This can include asking for personal and family medical histories and of any recent injuries. Further diagnosis may include sensation tests, a physical examination, and potentially x-rays or other imaging tests.


Just as the range of causes varies widely, so do treatments. Some more common treatments are rest, ice packs, keeping pressure off the foot, orthotics and braces, medication for inflammation and pain, and surgery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Texarkana, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about Ankle Pain
Tuesday, 13 August 2024 00:00

Fungal Foot Diseases

Fungal diseases of the feet, including athlete's foot, or tinea pedis, are common infections caused by dermatophytes, fungi that thrive in warm, moist environments. These infections lead to symptoms like itching, redness, peeling skin, and sometimes blisters. Athlete's foot typically affects the spaces between the toes but can spread to other areas of the foot. These infections occur due to prolonged exposure to damp conditions, such as wearing sweaty socks or walking barefoot in communal areas like locker rooms and swimming pools. Individuals at higher risk include athletes, people with weakened immune systems, and those who frequently use public showers. Relief may come from keeping feet clean and dry, using antifungal creams or powders, and wearing breathable footwear. If you have persistent athlete’s foot, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for advanced treatment solutions.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is often an uncomfortable condition to experience. Thankfully, podiatrists specialize in treating athlete’s foot and offer the best treatment options. If you have any questions about athlete’s foot, consult with Philip Hahn, DPM from Advanced Foot & Ankle Center. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality treatment.

What Is Athlete’s Foot?

Tinea pedis, more commonly known as athlete’s foot, is a non-serious and common fungal infection of the foot. Athlete’s foot is contagious and can be contracted by touching someone who has it or infected surfaces. The most common places contaminated by it are public showers, locker rooms, and swimming pools. Once contracted, it grows on feet that are left inside moist, dark, and warm shoes and socks.


The most effective ways to prevent athlete’s foot include:

  • Thoroughly washing and drying feet
  • Avoid going barefoot in locker rooms and public showers
  • Using shower shoes in public showers
  • Wearing socks that allow the feet to breathe
  • Changing socks and shoes frequently if you sweat a lot


Athlete’s foot initially occurs as a rash between the toes. However, if left undiagnosed, it can spread to the sides and bottom of the feet, toenails, and if touched by hand, the hands themselves. Symptoms include:

  • Redness
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Scaly and peeling skin

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis is quick and easy. Skin samples will be taken and either viewed under a microscope or sent to a lab for testing. Sometimes, a podiatrist can diagnose it based on simply looking at it. Once confirmed, treatment options include oral and topical antifungal medications.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Texarkana, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.


Read more about How to Deal with Athlete's Foot

Pain in various parts of the foot can stem from diverse factors. Heel pain, often attributed to plantar fasciitis, results from inflammation of the thick band of tissue connecting the heel to the toes. Arch pain may indicate issues like flat feet or overpronation, where the arch collapses excessively during walking or running. Pain in the ball of the foot could be due to conditions such as metatarsalgia, a result of excessive pressure on the ball of the foot. Additionally, toe pain may result from conditions like bunions, hammertoes, or ingrown toenails. Ankle pain can be caused by sprains, fractures, or Achilles tendon injuries. Contributing factors include overuse, improper footwear, structural abnormalities, and injuries. A diagnosis by a podiatrist is essential for determining the underlying cause of foot pain. If you have pain in your feet, it is strongly urged that you consult this type of doctor who can accurately diagnose and treat foot pain.

Foot Pain

Foot pain can be extremely painful and debilitating. If you have a foot pain, consult with Philip Hahn, DPM from Advanced Foot & Ankle Center. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.


Foot pain is a very broad condition that could be caused by one or more ailments. The most common include:

  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bone Spurs
  • Corns
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Arthritis (such as Gout, Rheumatoid, and Osteoarthritis)
  • Flat Feet
  • Injury (from stress fractures, broken toe, foot, ankle, Achilles tendon ruptures, and sprains)
  • And more


To figure out the cause of foot pain, podiatrists utilize several different methods. This can range from simple visual inspections and sensation tests to X-rays and MRI scans. Prior medical history, family medical history, and any recent physical traumatic events will all be taken into consideration for a proper diagnosis.


Treatment depends upon the cause of the foot pain. Whether it is resting, staying off the foot, or having surgery; podiatrists have a number of treatment options available for foot pain.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Texarkana, TX . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Foot Pain

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